Help, Lord! I laughed and threw up my hands. My cousin said, “Dee knows the Bible! Tell us about the book of Ezekiel.” (My cousin is spiritual, but not Christian.) But I don’t know what that book is about.” “Well, perhaps God inspired her! Did you know that Ezekiel was a prophet, and a book in the Bible is named after him?” “My mother saw a book called Ezekiel in a bookstore and just liked the name.” Is there a story? How did your parents choose that name?” “Ezekiel, you are the first man I’ve ever met with that name. We sat on the porch with iced teas and I asked her husband about his intriguing name: Ezekiel. I love this young woman, but rarely see her as she lives in Hawaii, and I’d never met her husband.

She and my daughter Annie had been good friends in childhood.

A few summers ago a young cousin stopped by.